getting your body functioning the best it can

Aimee will approach your care from multiple different aspects, including physical/structural, mental/emotional and chemical.

She combines many different techniques in her treatments, to ensure you are getting exactly what you need. She uses gentle, hands on Chiropractic adjusting techniques, such as Diversified adjusting, Thompson technique, Activator and Cranial techniques. She also uses Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Technique and Neurolink (NIS)

Aimee will address nervous system dysfunction, as well as spinal, visceral and muscular issues.

Whether you're seeking relief from pain, stress reduction, or simply looking to improve your overall health and well-being, Aimee has the expertise and knowledge to guide you on your journey. Don't wait to take the first step towards optimal health - schedule your appointment with Aimee today and experience the benefits of holistic chiropractic care for yourself!

One of the reasons that people love to see Aimee is the alternative techniques that she also does in the Chiropractic consultations. The main techniques are listed below :

Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T.) :

NET is a mind-body technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. What that means is it can help you to identify and let go of “stuck” mind body stress patterns. People think that stress is something that only effects their brain. But this is incorrect and that it can have an impact on other parts of your body, such as butterflies in your stomach. NET is a tool that can help improve many behavioural and physical conditions. The “stuck patterns” can be found with a manual muscle test, and then Aimee will assist in the completion of the body’s normal mind-body process, by using a specific physical spinal correction. It is fast, and it can dramatically improve your health.

Neurolink (Neurological Integration System) :

NIS is a system of investigation to both isolate and correct faults in the cellular signalling process derived from human neurological interaction – our action potential (which is what enables our body to communicate to every cell, under the control of the brain). Your brain is the coordinationg centerpiece of our nervous system, conscious actions, thought processing, feelings and memories. It is responsible for automatic functions such as the heart, blood pressure, temperature, and breathing. Your sense of wellness is an expression of whether your brain is fully cognizant of all body systems.

Daily, we are exposed to different types of stresses. These can be physical, infections, emotional, and for the most part our bodies are designed to handle these. There are times however where pressures become excessive to a point where our personal tolerances are challenged. At this point a disruption occurs in cellular signalling, and human function is altered. The Neurological Integration System (NIS) is then employed to ‘rewire’ and ‘reset’ the signal process.

Applied Kinesiology :

AK focuses primarily on neuromuscular function as it relates to the structural, chemical and neurological regulatory systems in the body. Muscle testing assesses the impact of the nervous system on patient health, helping AK practitioners look for the source of dysfunction in the balance of the sensory system with the motor system. It uses muscle testing to assess your nervous system function and find a solution to your health concerns.

Whilst Chiropractic does not cure anything, there are so many reasons why people come in to see Aimee and may have results with, including :

  • Neck Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Migraine & Headache

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Poor Posture

  • Sciatica

  • Muscular tension and pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Foot Pain

  • Fatigue

  • Poor sleep

  • Pregnancy support

  • Childrens health

  • Chronic health issues

  • Immune support

  • Health and wellnes