Find time. Find balance. Get healthy.......or don't!

Have you ever thought about how controversial and how contradictory those statements are?

I hadn’t until recently.

FIND TIME. How do you find time? You just can’t pull time out from up your sleeve. You can’t just put extra hours into your day. You can’t just find time. But what you can do if you can prioritise the time that you do have. You can use the time that you do have better. You can stop procrastinating. You can delegate. You can prioritise. You can do all of these things to give you the appearance of more time but it really comes down to using your time better. Can’t actually ever find more time though. And I know I have said to people “you gotta find time to do the exercise”, you’ve got to find time and make it happen. I know I’ve said it and I still say it alot. But when I was saying it this week it really did make me think : they can’t “find” time.

Then the question is, do we change it to saying you need to make time. You can’t make time either. Time is what it is, you can’t make more of it so it’s all about prioritising your time and prioritise what we do with our time. We can’t make it, we can’t find it but we sure can prioritise what we do with it and use that time better.
FIND BALANCE. Nothing we don’t hear all the time. Find balance, get balance, look at how to balance your life, balance being a mum, balance being at work...,balance balance balance. I don’t think though, that it is ever something you really “find”. I don’t think it’s ever something that’s fully achieved. This of course is my own personal opinion. I’ve spoken about this before, that it’s an ongoing process. And if I feel I have something balanced today, that doesn’t mean I’m good and I have all the answers to doing it all and I’m always going to be balanced for the rest of my life. We are human beings. We live and ever-changing environment we ever-changing.

So can we really achieve this balance that everyone talks about? I don’t think so. I think there’s always going to be something that’s of higher priority than the rest. That sometimes works a priority. Sometimes homes a priority. Sometimes my kids are priority. I am the priority. Some of my family is priority. So has my friends a priority. Sometimes my house is a priority. Sometimes it’s doing a workshop. Sometimes it’s giving back to the environment. But there’s always something being focused on at that time that’s the priority and I think it comes down to balancing priorities and not even balancing that being okay with things being out of balance. And being okay with having more energy and focus going to one area at that point in time. I don’t think we FIND balance. I think we just need to get good at prioritising things, and making sure the priority is what it needs to be. It can’t always be work. Or always be family. Or always be you. It needs to change. And you need to be ok with that.

Think about balancing on a tennis ball on a racquet for example - you are constantly moving, as is the ball and racquet. This is you in life .... always moving, and sometimes the ball falls, you move a bit more, pick it up and start again That’s what its all about, not standing perfectly still in “balance”

GET HEALTHY. I mean seriously, I don’t think we ever “get healthy”. It’s a process. It’s a journey. It’s ongoing. It’s not like one day you are healthy and then that’s it’s, you never have to work on it again. Wouldn’t that be nice if it was how it worked? But it’s not. It’s something we all need to constantly work on. Our physical health. Our mental health. It’s a work in progress. It’s never just done. And again, sometimes it takes more effort than other times. It’s certainly harder and takes more effort to get to a peak, if you are at the bottom. But you have to work hard to stay at the top and not just slide straight down the other side of the “health mountain” so to speak. It’s often easier to maintain when you are in a good health space, with good support, rather than starting from being sick and having no support. But I honestly believe you never “get healthy”. Because that implies once you get healthy then you have achieved that goal and you move onto the next one. And that’s not the way it works. It’s a constant effort and focus.

Anyway - that’s my take on it. Time. Balance. Health. My thoughts. I would love to know yours!

Want help with anything health related?

Reach out, send me a message, if I can’t help I will point you in the direction of someone who can
