Stop comparing, get off the scales and be happier!

So you know that there are so many different ways to measure results (in all aspects of health)

And that we need to concentrate on running our own race, focusing on our goals and our aims.

So why is it that we get so caught up in the number on the scale or what other people look like in comparison to us, or what they are doing on social media all the time?

In all honestly I thought that we were getting over this.

I thought that we were more aware of better ways of measuring our progress than the scales.

I thought we had stopped comparing ourselves to people of social media.

I thought that the message was (starting) to get through to people.

But several conversations I’ve had over the last few weeks have been really be aware that this is not the case at all.

Ladies are still measuring their progress by a number on the scales. Ladies are still comparing themselves to other women on Facebook and Instagram. And in all honesty, it frustrates me so much. Especially with it being WA Mental Health Week this week. Because neither of these things are good for your mental health!

Let’s first talk about comparison.

You are often comparing yourself to someone who has a completely different life to you. Different goals. Different body shape. Different habits. Different family. Different job. Different loves. Different. You get it right? THEY ARE DIFFERENT! So why are you even comparing yourself to them??? I know its so easy to get caught up in following everyone. Following people you “want to be like”. But you do need to be honest with yourself. Does looking at their feeds or profiles make you aspire to be happier and healthier? Or do they make you feel not so great about yourself and your life? If it is that, then maybe its time to unfollow.

Admire what they do or what they look like, follow them, be inspired by them. But don’t compare yourself to them!

Let’s talk progress and measuring it.

The scales only show one story. Then there is the way you look. The way your fitness has improved . They way you are sleeping better. The way you feel happier. They way you feel stronger. The way you get compliments about how great you look. The way you work out, but still have time to have fun. How you fit into clothes that are two sizes smaller. Most of these things don’t show on the scales. It is so easy to get caught up in the number on the scales. To weight yourself daily, or weekly. Trust me, I have been there (more recently that I would probably like to admit!) But you know what? As soon as I just stopped. Stopped getting on the scales, stopped looking at the number, stopped measuring my progress by that one thing, I became so much happier, and probably healthier as well. I knew my health and fitness was improving, and it was frustrating to not see the number change (or to see it go up!). And all i could focus on was that number….until I didn’t…..and it made me so much happier (just ask my husband hehe).

“ So how do I measure my progress with my new eating habits and fitness routine then Aimee?” I hear you say.

Do measurements. Do a fitness test. Take photos. Log how much better your sleep is. See how happy you are out of 10. Take note of compliments you get. Take note when your clothes fit better or you go down a size. One of my clients commented this week that the scales had only moved a couple of kg down, but they had lost 2 dress sizes. How amazing is that!!!

I am not saying never get on the scales, simply not to use them as the only way you track your progress.

This is just touching the surface on this topic, I know that. But I hope this is a reminder to stop comparing. Get off the scales. Track your progress and your happiness in better ways. It is so easy to get down about yourself, to want to change things about you. To want to look like the person on insta, or to want their life. Always remember though, that YOU ARE YOU! And you cant be anyone else. So just do the best you can with that amazing body and mind that is yours! Make sure your social media is a place that makes you happy, and inspires you. Not a place that makes you feel down about yourself. If it does…click unfollow, and then go out and catch up with an amazing friend or family member who makes you feel amazing about yourself.

You got this!

Remember, you are AMAZING!

Aimee xo

PS - When I work with women, these are all tools (along with more!) that I use to track your progress. I also keep things simple. Because simple changes over time become significant. In all areas of health. Message me if you want more info - or find more information here