How to stay healthy in the office (without always being the person eating quinoa salad)

I am stuck at my desk, have to get a quick bite and coffee on the run, between meetings, leave home at 7am and dont get home until 6pm.

How am I meant to fit all that “get healthy stuff” into my day?

I hear things like this on daily basis, from both clients and just people I come into contact with during the day.

So I wanted to put together some information, simple tips, that can significantly increase your health on a daily basis.

And I promise you wont look like the strange person always eating quinoa (can you even pronounce that correctly? It is “Keen-wa” for those wondering…...don’t worry, I said it wrong for years!

Lets start before you even leave the house. Get organised the night before, or at the start of the week. Have lunches ready to grab and take with you. And snacks. If you have it there ready to go you are less likely to buy lunch or snack on the run, which are often a little less healthy. Having a set time each week to meal plan and grocery shop can go a long way to healthier food in the office. One of the easiest way to do this is to make extra of your evening meal and then eat it for lunch the next day.

Also - make a plan to drink some water before you walk out the door. Get the hydration started early!

On the way to work - you can do some breathing, affirmations, gratitude…..any or all of these will help to get you into a positive head space to start the day. Managing stress at work can play a huge role in your overall health and happiness at work. Starting the day in the right head space can go a long way towards this. Taking time to breathe some big slow deep breathes during the day can also help.

Make sure you have water on your desk! Also make sure you drink it. I always say there is no point having water on your desk, you actually have to drink it. Put a reminder to pop up on your computer or phone if you need to be reminded. Worried about having to go to the toilet more? This is a good thing! It gets you up and moving from your desk a little more!

Also set a timer to make yourself get up and move every hour. A few minutes will refresh your body and mind. It also gets you to change postures, even slightly, which can help spread the load to different muscles.

Talking on the phone? Can you get up and walk while you talk?

Stuck sitting at your desk? Do some shoulder rolls, upper back and neck stretches, low back stretches throughout the day.

Need help for these? Check out my upper body stretches here and my lower body stretches here

Even better, find a wall and do some wall angles. It is a great way to get out of your chair, work on your posture and stop to breathe. Speaking of posture - make sure you take some time during the day to remind yourself to sit up straight. So many health advantages to having better posture - you will generally find that you can breathe easier and will generally have less aches and pains, you may have less headaches as well. And it just means all your joints and soft tissues are working in the way they are designed too which will be much better long term. Get an ergonomic assessment if you have it available.

Inquire about a sit stand desk. They are very common these days and a lot of companies are open to considering them for employees.

During any beaks, especially your lunch break, get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air. Breathe and reset. Eat the lunch you have from home, drink some more water. Even better, fit in some movement. Go for a walk. A run. Do some yoga. Find a class you can fit it. I know that’s not always possible. But even eating outside and a five minute walk will benefit you!

There is quite often a mid arvo snack run, afternoon tea or coffee break in the office. You don’t have to miss out. Just don’t over eat. Or eat the snack you have from home. Don’t have a coffee, have a cup of tea instead. You can still be social at work, but you can do it in a healthy manner.

Remember there is lots of chance for incidental exercise as well. Park a little further away, take the stairs not the lift. Pack you joggers and wear them to and from the office - ladies you back will love you for not walking so far in your heels. Your Chiropractor will be impressed as well.

Time to leave the office? Switch off to work if you can. Get off your phone and laptop. I know its not always possible, I mean its currently 8pm and here I am siting here writing this! But where and when you can, try to leave work, at work. And have time away from screens.

Take time to plan you next day - your meals, your exercise, how far away from work or the train you can park to get some extra steps in. Take some time now to breathe as well, and get a good night sleep, ready for the next day!

So that’s some of my tips to increasing your health in the office on a daily basis. Lots of seemingly small and simple things. But if you do them all, or even some of them, you will be on your way to a healthier version of yourself.

I would love to hear what it is that you do to stay healthy whilst at work.

Ladies come over and join my Private Ladies Only Facebook Group where we will be talking about health in the office, along with all other aspects of holistic health.

Come and join the conversation here :

Aimee xo